Domination & Control

Why do we seem to have a culture of domination?

"Because it's fear based...people who are not fear based don't need to express domination. Remember that when you express the idea of attempting to dominate, that means you don't believe you actually have any power. Because if you really know you have power, what would be the point of dominating? You're already as powerful as you need to be to create whatever reality you prefer. If you have to dominate, you're saying you're powerless. 'I don't have any other way of creating what I prefer other than trying to control my reality and other people's reality and force them into this idea THAT MAKES ME FEEL SAFE!' Understand?" Bashar Communications
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

After all, a crisis doesn't make a person, it reveals what a person is made of...

Warren W. Wiersbe

What does my tuition include?

Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!

  • Enrollment Proof

  • Logbook/Worksheet/Letter of Integrity

  • Downloadable Personalized Certificate

  • Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Course


Simply find the course & hours needed, click to sign up for your student account, pay tuition & enroll. Get started immediately!

Certified Court Approved Provider

Provided by Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific, COREPSO courses, programs and coaching are approved in 99% of courts Nationwide.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific is an affiliate services provider for National Court Ordered Education Institute, LLC and will gain commission if you click course links, pay tuition and complete enrollment.

How can I confirm acceptance?

CONFIRM ACCEPTANCE by presenting this course acceptance letter to your entity: 

Course Acceptance Request Letter of Integrity.pdf


 CONFIRMAR ACEPTACIÓN - Es obligatorio confirmar la aceptación. Todas las inscripciones son definitivas.

Does your entity require you to have a workbook?

Download and print a COREPSO logbook/workbook below:





US DOT-SAP Classes (in English & Spanish): 

Risk Prevention US DOT SAP Online Certified Classes.pdf

Certifiation Justification Letter: If an entity is paying for your certification, use the following letter to prepare your justification documents for certification to present to your entity: 



List of titles for all classes: 


Featured Courses Below

Adult Sentencing, Courtroom Etiquette, Delinquency Intervention, Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification, Curfew, MIP, PI, Trespassing/ Vandalism/ Graffiti, Truancy, Weapons Possession/ Aggravated Assault

Enrollment Proof, Instant Certificate, and eMail Reminders Included.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Courtroom Training Classes

Adult Sentencing & Courtroom Etiquette

Adult Sentencing Class

5-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to educate offenders on the United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines recommending certain punishments for certain crimes covering traditional and alternative criminal sentencing options. Includes enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Courtroom Etiquette Training

2-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to give you tips, advice and preparation to testify in court with confidence, clarity and reliability. Includes Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-optional Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Delinquency Intervention, Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification

COMPREHENSIVE DUAL PROGRAM: 5-hour Class for Clients - 20-hour Certification for Caseworkers

Adult & Juvenile Delinquency Intervention

5-hour Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification Online Certified Class

Designed to address the expression of criminal behavior in adult and juvenile delinquents caught up in the justice system. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification intervention includes "rock-bottom" eCoaching, decision making integrity, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management and crisis/lack mentality. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Master Trainer Certification

20-hour Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification Program Training Certification,

This 5-day Rehabilitative Psychoeducational Program Training Certification covers delinquency intervention, decision making integrity, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management and success consciousness versus crisis mentality, designed for criminal behavior modification. This 100% online dialectical training gives you the skills to engage and support someone in their rehabilitation transformation. Includes practice Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions / Assessments and Final Exams. Enrollment Proof-Workbook / Training Transcript / Coaching Curriculum & Program Certification.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Curfew Law Violation Classes

Emergency, Juvenile, Business, Official Order Curfews For Adults & Juveniles, 2-4-8-HOURS

Curfew Law Violation

2-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of curfew law violation, emergency curfew, juvenile curfew, business curfew and special-order curfew laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification intervention includes "rock-bottom" eCoaching, decision making integrity, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management and crisis/lack mentality. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Curfew Law Violation

4-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of curfew law violation, emergency curfew, juvenile curfew, business curfew and special-order curfew laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification intervention includes "rock-bottom" eCoaching, decision making integrity, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management and crisis/lack mentality. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Curfew Law Violation

8-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of curfew law violation, emergency curfew, juvenile curfew, business curfew and special-order curfew laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification intervention includes "rock-bottom" eCoaching, decision making integrity, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management and crisis/lack mentality. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention, Petit/Grand Larceny, Shoplifting Awareness

Alternative Theft Offender Education 2-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-21-24-32-40-hours

Theft Prevention

2-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

4-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

5-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

6-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

8-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

10-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

12-hour Petit / Grand Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

16-hour Petit / Grand Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

21-hour Petit / Grand Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

32-hour Petit Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft Prevention

40-hour Petit / Grand Larceny Shoplifting

Online certified class designed as alternative theft offender education covering Petit Larceny Laws, shoplifting and kleptomania theories. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Theft By Check, Credit Card Fraud, NSF Check Fraud Insufficient Funds

2-4-5-6-8-10-12-hour Online Certified Classes

Alternative fraud and theft offender education covering Bad Check, NSF Check Fraud, Insufficient Funds. Dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching for lack consciousness behavior modification includes crisis/lack mentality syndrome intervention, decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Trespassing, Vandalism, Graffiti Laws

Trespassing law violation including Vandalism and Graffiti Laws, 2-4-8-16-hours

Trespassing, Vandalism, Graffiti Law Awareness

2-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation behavior modification class investigates crisis/lack mentality syndrome and provides intervention ecoaching for decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Trespassing, Vandalism, Graffiti Law Awareness

4-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation behavior modification class investigates crisis/lack mentality syndrome and provides intervention ecoaching for decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Trespassing, Vandalism, Graffiti Law Awareness

8-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation behavior modification class investigates crisis/lack mentality syndrome and provides intervention ecoaching for decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Trespassing, Vandalism, Graffiti Law Awareness

16-hour Online Certified Class

Designed to develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation behavior modification class investigates crisis/lack mentality syndrome and provides intervention ecoaching for decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Truancy/Cyber-Truancy Law Awareness

Compulsory School Attendance Classes 2-4-8-hours

Truancy / Cyber-Truancy Prevention

2-hour Compulsory School Attendance

Online certified class designed to develop awareness of truancy and cyber-truancy laws for parents and juveniles including compulsory school attendance rules and regulations. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Truancy / Cyber-Truancy Prevention

4-hour Compulsory School Attendance

Online certified class designed to develop awareness of truancy and cyber-truancy laws for parents and juveniles including compulsory school attendance rules and regulations. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Truancy/Cyber Truancy Prevention

8-hour Compulsory School Attendance

Online certified class designed to develop awareness of truancy and cyber-truancy laws for parents and juveniles including compulsory school attendance rules and regulations. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development, toxic relationship management. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Weapons Possession Law: Licensing, Safety, Regulations & Aggravated Assault

Firearms, Non-Powder Guns Knives, Nun-Chucks & Pepperspray; Illegal Weapons Possession Consequences Classes 8-16-24-hours

Weapons Possession Law, Gun Law & Aggravated Assault

8-hour Online Certified Class

Designed for clients charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development and decision-action-consequence segment intending. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Weapons Possession Law, Gun Law & Aggravated Assault

16-hour Online Certified Class

Designed for clients charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development and decision-action-consequence segment intending. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions- Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Weapons Possession Law, Gun Law & Aggravated Assault

24-hour Online Certified Class

Designed for clients charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development and decision-action-consequence segment intending. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Weapons Possession Law, Gun Law & Aggravated Assault

32-hour Online Certified Class

Designed for clients charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. This dialectical rehabilitative psychoeducation eCoaching behavior modification includes decision making integrity, impulse control, cognitive skills development and decision-action-consequence segment intending. Enrollment Proof-Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions-Workbook & Certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Anger Management, Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Assault/Harassment Prevention

Stalking and Harassment Law Awareness including hazing and inappropriate contact, 2-4-8-16-24-32-40-48-56-64-72-104-hours

Life Skills Enrichment

Community Service Education Classes

Online certified classes, 2-72-hours, designed as a community service guide to life skills enrichment to enhance cognitive skills development of emotional intelligence, confidence, authenticity and integrity in personal and professional life. Includes Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions, Enrollment Proof-Workbook & Certificate
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Minor in Possession Law Awareness, Substance Abuse Addiction Prevention

Delinquency Intervention Dialectical Criminal Behavior Modification Classes 2-24-hours


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Online certified classes, 2-72-hours, designed as a community service guide to life skills enrichment to enhance cognitive skills development of emotional intelligence, confidence, authenticity and integrity in personal and professional life. Includes Question-Answer-Feedback-Sessions, Enrollment Proof-Workbook & Certificate
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Public Intoxication Law Awareness, Substance Abuse Addiction Prevention

Disorderly Conduct Community Behavior Modification Classes 2-24-hours

Tobacco / Cannabis / Vaping Law Classes

Online Certified Classes 2-32-hours

Designed to educate about selected laws enacted by the U.S. Government regarding the regulation of tobacco Sales, marketing, and use including cannabis and vaping laws. Includes enrollment proof, optional workbook, question-answer-feedback-sessions, instant certificate.
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist

Need a different course title?

Different hours?

If you ask us, we may build it for you. Please allow up to 72-hours for our team of psychologists to create your course. [email protected]
Gabriel Antonio Joglar Risk Prevention Powered By Thinkific Affiliate of National Court Ordered Education Institute at Sponsored by Val Catt, Health Psychologist